What Is Self-Esteem? A Definition and Signs Of Strong Self-Esteem

What Is Self-Esteem

Question: What is self-esteem? Here’s a definition and some explanations. WHAT IS SELF-ESTEEM – Self-evaluation is crucial but here are some things to know about a person’s self-esteem and what it means from a psychologist’s perspective. In a citation, Adler & Stewart, 2004, have defined self-esteem as a person’s overall sense of his or her value or … Read more

Broken Heart Syndrome – Is This Heart Condition Deadly?

Broken Heart Syndrome

Here are some things about broken heart syndrome that you probably don’t know yet. BROKEN HEART SYNDROME – What happens when your heart gets broken literally? Here are some things to know about a condition called broken heart syndrome. When we think of a broken heart, the picture that often comes into our minds is … Read more

Connective Tissue – Its Different Types and Its Function

Connective Tissue

These are the various types of connective tissue and how each function. Check out below! CONNECTIVE TISSUE – This is the definition of connective tissue, its classifications, and the essential function of each classification. The Brittanica has defined connective tissue as a “group of tissues in the body that maintain the form of the body … Read more

Digestion Process – The Digestive System Process

Diegestion Process

What is the digestion process and how does it take place? DIGESTION PROCESS – This is how the process of digestion takes place in the digestive system and the organs that are included in this specific process. After eating your food, aren’t you curious about how does the body breaks it down and its journey … Read more

Muscle Cramps – What Causes Muscle Cramps and Its Treatment?

Muscle Cramps

This is what muscle cramps mean and some treatments available for this. MUSCLE CRAMPS – Here’s a definition of muscle cramps including the factors that can cause this and the appropriate methods and ways to treat this condition. Usually, a muscle cramp is a condition that’s not something one should be most concerned about but … Read more

Normal Pulse Rate: What’s A 78 Pulse Rate Means?

Normal Pulse Rate

This is what a 78 pulse rate means and what is the normal pulse rate? Check out the guideline below. NORMAL PULSE RATE – Here’s the meaning of heart rate or also known as pulse rate and what is the suggested rate or number that is considered normal. According to the definition given by Harvard … Read more

Parts Of The Heart – Heart Anatomy and Function

Parts Of The Heart

These are the different parts of the heart and the function of each. PARTS OF THE HEART – The human heart works non-stop every day, every time and these are the parts that comprise this vital organ of the human body. The heart is an organ that pumps blood all throughout the body. It is … Read more

Skill-Related Fitness – The Components Of Skill-Related Fitness

Badminton Skill-Related Fitness

These are the different components of skill-related fitness and a brief discussion of each component. SKILL-RELATED COMPONENT – There are six different components under skill-related fitness and here’s a further understanding of each. Understanding physical fitness means understanding its two categories: the HRF or health-related fitness and the SRF or skill-related fitness. And SRF refers … Read more